Friday, March 14, 2025

Yes I did it, no, I'm not sorry, and yes I will do it again

NEED D You ALL TO SWEAR... Fuck ..! MG LIKE, A PROMISE! UNACCOUNTABLE.NO LOVE . Termination trades for transfers, to include a financial form, called a midterm.Yes I did it, no, I'm not sorry, and yes I will do it again.

Hooker, I ain’t in the ‘helpin” business no more. I’m in the ‘fuck off while I smoke a joint’ business, and business about to pick way the fuck up. We don’t own a thing in this world, it’s all on lease.

VETERANS. PTSD Marines Guns. Morro Bay, California:Black, White, Wholes In Heads, Coins To Play, Signs Of Good Times, Both Sides. Waves to make, waves to watch.

Hope daily, that this shit show is done, No seller, no signers, not transfers, just a termination or two, no solar, no lease, free panels now.Shimmer and Shine story. Exactly how many more gallons of semen does one need to swallow before they get their [HOONIGAN] sticker for their genesis coupe sent to them? Asking for a friend.
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I don't think I could eat that. It looks like it is going to take a bite of you.Ways to go, ways to grow, ways to stay on top, thanks and praises for another day, fairy tales to live. Witches, babes, movies hits. Charmed for life.Dawn the Rebirth:Unconditionally.Now You See Me 2 (2016) -Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Tricks And Luck.WHO DID THIS?!?

Merry Christmas ! May we be able to continually let go of what doesn’t serve humanity. Deconstructing Santa — Santa Claus has been a good friend to me, leading the way by example during my deconstruction journey. Cozy up, and I’ll tell you a story…

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Congrats. You? Me? Us? Fuck Em, American Birds. ..Paths Taken, Pictures flashing in dreams, free as a bird, mountains tops sights to see. Flying far away from shadows in the dark.[Solar Objections:Spruce Powers, Sunrun, Name Changes, Cons To Costco. Yes I did it, no, I'm not sorry, and yes I will do it again.

Ways to go, ways to grow, ways to stay on top, thanks and praises for another day, fairy tales to live. Witches, babes, movies hits. Charmed for life.Dawn the Rebirth:Unconditionally.Now You See Me 2 (2016) -Recaps, Recalls, Reviews, Tricks And Luck.WHO DID THIS?!?

Clowns, crooks, cheater, liars, faces in pots, shit and dung, faces in the dark. Lover, haters, sucker, fuckers, dick, dawgs, donkeys to date, whales on land.We are all related because our spirit comes from the same divine source, our bodies come from the same physical matter.

Merry Christmas ! May we be able to continually let go of what doesn’t serve humanity. Deconstructing Santa — Santa Claus has been a good friend to me, leading the way by example during my deconstruction journey. Cozy up, and I’ll tell you a story…

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